namespace RedUNIT\Sqlite;
use RedUNIT\Sqlite as Sqlite;
use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
use RedBeanPHP\AssociationManager as AssociationManager;
use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\SQLiteT as SQLiteT;
use RedBeanPHP\RedException\SQL as SQL;
use RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException;
use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\AQueryWriter;
* Writer
* Tests for SQLite Query Writer.
* This test class contains Query Writer specific tests.
* Use this class to add tests to test Query Writer specific
* behaviours, quirks and issues.
* @file RedUNIT/Sqlite/Writer.php
* @desc Tests writer specific functions.
* @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
* @license New BSD/GPLv2
* (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
* This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
* with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Writer extends Sqlite
* Test whether SQLite QueryWriter safely filters FOR-UPDATE snippets.
* @return void
public function testWriterShouldFilterSelectForUpdate()
$id = R::store( R::dispense('bean') );
R::debug( TRUE, 1 );
$bean = R::findForUpdate('bean', 'id > 0');
$logs = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getLogger()->grep( AQueryWriter::C_SELECT_SNIPPET_FOR_UPDATE );
asrt( count($logs), 0 ); //if no cache clear, then would have been 2
$bean = R::loadForUpdate('bean', $id);
$logs = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getLogger()->grep( AQueryWriter::C_SELECT_SNIPPET_FOR_UPDATE );
asrt( count($logs), 0 ); //if no cache clear, then would have been 2
R::getWriter()->setUseCache( FALSE );
R::debug( FALSE );
* Test whether optimizations do not have effect on Writer query outcomes.
* @return void
public function testWriterSpeedUp()
$id = R::store( R::dispense( 'book' ) );
$writer = R::getWriter();
$count1 = $writer->queryRecordCount( 'book', array( 'id' => $id ), ' id = :id ', array( ':id' => $id ) );
$count2 = $writer->queryRecordCount( 'book', array( ), ' id = :id ', array( ':id' => $id ) );
$count3 = $writer->queryRecordCount( 'book', NULL, ' id = :id ', array( ':id' => $id ) );
$count4 = $writer->queryRecordCount( 'book', array( 'id' => $id ) );
asrt( $count1, $count2 );
asrt( $count2, $count3 );
asrt( $count3, $count4 );
$books = R::dispenseAll( 'book*4' );
$ids = R::storeAll( $books[0] );
$writer->deleteRecord( 'book', array( 'id' => $ids[0] ) );
$writer->deleteRecord( 'book', array( 'id' => $ids[1] ), ' id = :id ', array( ':id' => $ids[1] ) );
$writer->deleteRecord( 'book', NULL, ' id = :id ', array( ':id' => $ids[2] ) );
$writer->deleteRecord( 'book', array(), ' id = :id ', array( ':id' => $ids[3] ) );
asrt( R::count( 'book' ), 0 );
$id = R::store( R::dispense( 'book' ) );
$record = $writer->queryRecord( 'book', array( 'id' => $id ) );
asrt( is_array( $record ), TRUE );
asrt( is_array( $record[0] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $record[0]['id'] ), TRUE );
asrt( (int) $record[0]['id'], $id );
$record = $writer->queryRecord( 'book', array( 'id' => $id ), ' id = :id ', array( ':id' => $id ) );
asrt( is_array( $record ), TRUE );
asrt( is_array( $record[0] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $record[0]['id'] ), TRUE );
asrt( (int) $record[0]['id'], $id );
$record = $writer->queryRecord( 'book', NULL, ' id = :id ', array( ':id' => $id ) );
asrt( is_array( $record ), TRUE );
asrt( is_array( $record[0] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $record[0]['id'] ), TRUE );
asrt( (int) $record[0]['id'], $id );
$record = $writer->queryRecord( 'book', array(), ' id = :id ', array( ':id' => $id ) );
asrt( is_array( $record ), TRUE );
asrt( is_array( $record[0] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $record[0]['id'] ), TRUE );
asrt( (int) $record[0]['id'], $id );
* Tests wheter we can write a deletion query
* for SQLite using NO conditions but only an
* additional SQL snippet.
* @return void
public function testWriteDeleteQuery()
$queryWriter = R::getWriter();
asrt( ( $queryWriter instanceof SQLiteT ), TRUE );
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$bean->name = 'a';
$id = R::store( $bean );
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
$queryWriter->deleteRecord( 'bean', array(), $addSql = ' id = :id ', $bindings = array( ':id' => $id ) );
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 0 );
* Tests wheter we can write a counting query
* for SQLite using conditions and an additional SQL snippet.
* @return void
public function testWriteCountQuery()
$queryWriter = R::getWriter();
asrt( ( $queryWriter instanceof SQLiteT ), TRUE );
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$bean->name = 'a';
R::store( $bean );
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$bean->name = 'b';
R::store( $bean );
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$bean->name = 'b';
R::store( $bean );
$count = $queryWriter->queryRecordCount( 'bean', array( 'name' => 'b' ), $addSql = ' id > :id ', $bindings = array( ':id' => 0 ) );
asrt( $count, 2 );
* Tests whether we can write a SQLite join and
* whether the correct exception is thrown in case
* of an invalid join.
* @return void
public function testWriteJoinSnippets()
$queryWriter = R::getWriter();
asrt( ( $queryWriter instanceof SQLiteT ), TRUE );
$snippet = $queryWriter->writeJoin( 'book', 'page' ); //default must be LEFT
asrt( is_string( $snippet ), TRUE );
asrt( ( strlen( $snippet ) > 0 ), TRUE );
asrt( ' LEFT JOIN `page` ON `page`.id = `book`.page_id ', $snippet );
$snippet = $queryWriter->writeJoin( 'book', 'page', 'LEFT' );
asrt( is_string( $snippet ), TRUE );
asrt( ( strlen( $snippet ) > 0 ), TRUE );
asrt( ' LEFT JOIN `page` ON `page`.id = `book`.page_id ', $snippet );
$snippet = $queryWriter->writeJoin( 'book', 'page', 'RIGHT' );
asrt( is_string( $snippet ), TRUE );
asrt( ( strlen( $snippet ) > 0 ), TRUE );
asrt( ' RIGHT JOIN `page` ON `page`.id = `book`.page_id ', $snippet );
$snippet = $queryWriter->writeJoin( 'book', 'page', 'INNER' );
asrt( ' INNER JOIN `page` ON `page`.id = `book`.page_id ', $snippet );
$exception = NULL;
try {
$snippet = $queryWriter->writeJoin( 'book', 'page', 'MIDDLE' );
catch(\Exception $e) {
$exception = $e;
asrt( ( $exception instanceof RedException ), TRUE );
$errorMessage = $exception->getMessage();
asrt( is_string( $errorMessage ), TRUE );
asrt( ( strlen( $errorMessage ) > 0 ), TRUE );
asrt( $errorMessage, 'Invalid JOIN.' );
* Test scanning and coding.
* @return void
public function testScanningAndCoding()
$toolbox = R::getToolBox();
$adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
$writer = $toolbox->getWriter();
$redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
$pdo = $adapter->getDatabase();
$a = new AssociationManager( $toolbox );
asrt( in_array( "testtable", $writer->getTables() ), FALSE );
$writer->createTable( "testtable" );
asrt( in_array( "testtable", $writer->getTables() ), TRUE );
asrt( count( array_keys( $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ) ) ), 1 );
asrt( in_array( "id", array_keys( $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ) ) ), TRUE );
asrt( in_array( "c1", array_keys( $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ) ) ), FALSE );
$writer->addColumn( "testtable", "c1", 1 );
asrt( count( array_keys( $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ) ) ), 2 );
asrt( in_array( "c1", array_keys( $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ) ) ), TRUE );
foreach ( $writer->sqltype_typeno as $key => $type ) {
asrt( $writer->code( $key ), $type );
asrt( $writer->code( "unknown" ), 99 );
asrt( $writer->scanType( FALSE ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_INTEGER );
asrt( $writer->scanType( NULL ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_INTEGER );
asrt( $writer->scanType( 2 ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_INTEGER );
asrt( $writer->scanType( 255 ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_INTEGER );
asrt( $writer->scanType( 256 ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_INTEGER );
asrt( $writer->scanType( -1 ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_INTEGER );
asrt( $writer->scanType( 1.5 ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_NUMERIC );
asrt( $writer->scanType( 2147483648 - 1 ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_INTEGER );
asrt( $writer->scanType( 2147483648 ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_TEXT );
asrt( $writer->scanType( -2147483648 + 1), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_INTEGER );
asrt( $writer->scanType( -2147483648 ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_TEXT );
asrt( $writer->scanType( INF ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_TEXT );
asrt( $writer->scanType( "abc" ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_TEXT );
asrt( $writer->scanType( '2010-10-10' ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_NUMERIC );
asrt( $writer->scanType( '2010-10-10 10:00:00' ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_NUMERIC );
asrt( $writer->scanType( str_repeat( "lorem ipsum", 100 ) ), SQLiteT::C_DATATYPE_TEXT );
$writer->widenColumn( "testtable", "c1", 2 );
$cols = $writer->getColumns( "testtable" );
asrt( $writer->code( $cols["c1"] ), 2 );
$id = $writer->updateRecord( "testtable", array( array( "property" => "c1", "value" => "lorem ipsum" ) ) );
$row = $writer->queryRecord( "testtable", array( "id" => array( $id ) ) );
asrt( $row[0]["c1"], "lorem ipsum" );
$writer->updateRecord( "testtable", array( array( "property" => "c1", "value" => "ipsum lorem" ) ), $id );
$row = $writer->queryRecord( "testtable", array( "id" => array( $id ) ) );
asrt( $row[0]["c1"], "ipsum lorem" );
$writer->deleteRecord( "testtable", array( "id" => array( $id ) ) );
$row = $writer->queryRecord( "testtable", array( "id" => array( $id ) ) );
asrt( empty( $row ), TRUE );
* (FALSE should be stored as 0 not as '')
* @return void
public function testZeroIssue()
testpack( "Zero issue" );
$toolbox = R::getToolBox();
$redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
$bean = $redbean->dispense( "zero" );
$bean->zero = FALSE;
$bean->title = "bla";
$redbean->store( $bean );
asrt( count( $redbean->find( "zero", array(), " zero = 0 " ) ), 1 );
testpack( "Test ANSI92 issue in clearrelations" );
$redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
$a = new AssociationManager( $toolbox );
$book = $redbean->dispense( "book" );
$author1 = $redbean->dispense( "author" );
$author2 = $redbean->dispense( "author" );
$book->title = "My First Post";
$author1->name = "Derek";
$author2->name = "Whoever";
set1toNAssoc( $a, $book, $author1 );
set1toNAssoc( $a, $book, $author2 );
* Various.
* Tests whether writer correctly handles keyword 'group' and SQL state 23000 issue.
* These tests remain here to make sure issues 9 and 10 never happen again.
* However this bug will probably never re-appear due to changed architecture.
* @return void
public function testIssue9and10()
$toolbox = R::getToolBox();
$redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
$adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
$a = new AssociationManager( $toolbox );
$book = $redbean->dispense( "book" );
$author1 = $redbean->dispense( "author" );
$author2 = $redbean->dispense( "author" );
$book->title = "My First Post";
$author1->name = "Derek";
$author2->name = "Whoever";
$a->associate( $book, $author1 );
$a->associate( $book, $author2 );
testpack( "Test Association Issue Group keyword (Issues 9 and 10)" );
$group = $redbean->dispense( "group" );
$group->name = "mygroup";
$redbean->store( $group );
try {
$a->associate( $group, $book );
} catch ( SQL $e ) {
// Test issue SQL error 23000
try {
$a->associate( $group, $book );
} catch ( SQL $e ) {
print_r( $e );
asrt( (int) $adapter->getCell( "select count(*) from book_group" ), 1 ); //just 1 rec!
* Test various.
* Test various somewhat uncommon trash/unassociate scenarios.
* (i.e. unassociate unrelated beans, trash non-persistant beans etc).
* Should be handled gracefully - no output checking.
* @return void
public function testVaria2()
$toolbox = R::getToolBox();
$redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
$a = new AssociationManager( $toolbox );
$book = $redbean->dispense( "book" );
$author1 = $redbean->dispense( "author" );
$author2 = $redbean->dispense( "author" );
$book->title = "My First Post";
$author1->name = "Derek";
$author2->name = "Whoever";
$a->unassociate( $book, $author1 );
$a->unassociate( $book, $author2 );
$redbean->trash( $redbean->dispense( "bla" ) );
$bean = $redbean->dispense( "bla" );
$bean->name = 1;
$bean->id = 2;
$redbean->trash( $bean );
* Test special data types.
* @return void
public function testSpecialDataTypes()
testpack( 'Special data types' );
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$bean->date = 'someday';
R::store( $bean );
$cols = R::getColumns( 'bean' );
asrt( $cols['date'], 'TEXT' );
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$bean->date = '2011-10-10';
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$bean->date = '2011-10-10';
R::store( $bean );
$cols = R::getColumns( 'bean' );
asrt( $cols['date'], 'NUMERIC' );
* Test renewed error handling in SQLite.
* In fluid mode ignore table/column not exists (HY000 + code 1).
* In frozen mode ignore nothing.
* @return void
public function testErrorHandling()
R::store( R::dispense( 'book' ) );
R::freeze( FALSE );
R::find( 'book2', ' id > 0' );
R::find( 'book', ' id2 > ?' );
$exception = NULL;
try {
R::find( 'book', ' id = ?', array( 0, 1 ) );
} catch( \Exception $e ) {
$exception = $e;
asrt( ( $exception instanceof SQL ), TRUE );
R::freeze( TRUE );
$exception = NULL;
try {
R::find( 'book2', ' id > 0' );
} catch( \Exception $e ) {
$exception = $e;
asrt( ( $exception instanceof SQL ), TRUE );
$exception = NULL;
try {
R::find( 'book', ' id2 > 0' );
} catch( \Exception $e ) {
$exception = $e;
asrt( ( $exception instanceof SQL ), TRUE );