* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* Authors:
* - Sardinian Translators Team Massimeddu Cireddu [email protected]
return array_replace_recursive(require __DIR__.'/en.php', [
'formats' => [
'L' => 'DD. MM. YY',
'months' => ['Ghennàrgiu', 'Freàrgiu', 'Martzu', 'Abrile', 'Maju', 'Làmpadas', 'Argiolas//Trìulas', 'Austu', 'Cabudanni', 'Santugaine//Ladàmine', 'Onniasantu//Santandria', 'Nadale//Idas'],
'months_short' => ['Ghe', 'Fre', 'Mar', 'Abr', 'Maj', 'Làm', 'Arg', 'Aus', 'Cab', 'Lad', 'Onn', 'Nad'],
'weekdays' => ['Domìnigu', 'Lunis', 'Martis', 'Mèrcuris', 'Giòbia', 'Chenàbura', 'Sàbadu'],
'weekdays_short' => ['Dom', 'Lun', 'Mar', 'Mèr', 'Giò', 'Che', 'Sàb'],
'weekdays_min' => ['Dom', 'Lun', 'Mar', 'Mèr', 'Giò', 'Che', 'Sàb'],
'first_day_of_week' => 1,
'day_of_first_week_of_year' => 4,
'minute' => ':count mementu', // less reliable
'min' => ':count mementu', // less reliable
'a_minute' => ':count mementu', // less reliable
'year' => ':count annu',
'y' => ':count annu',
'a_year' => ':count annu',
'month' => ':count mese',
'm' => ':count mese',
'a_month' => ':count mese',
'week' => ':count chida',
'w' => ':count chida',
'a_week' => ':count chida',
'day' => ':count dí',
'd' => ':count dí',
'a_day' => ':count dí',
'hour' => ':count ora',
'h' => ':count ora',
'a_hour' => ':count ora',
'second' => ':count secundu',
's' => ':count secundu',
'a_second' => ':count secundu',